Jennifer L. Strasbaugh
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Baltimore’s Art Appraiser

Over 20 years of appraising art in the Baltimore Metropolitan area, specializing in USPAP* compliant, confidential appraisals of paintings, prints, and sculpture for insurance, donation, sales, and estate. We also provide written and photographic inventories of collectibles for insurance purposes, or for estate planning. Art research projects are also welcomed. 

*Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice 



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Appraisal Reports

Jennifer Strasbaugh specializes in full appraisals of fine arts from eighteenth century to contemporary. She has a particular expertise in blue-chip modern artists, such as Picasso, Johns, and Warhol, although she regularly appraises antique paintings, sculptures, and prints.

All appraisals conform to the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice. She regularly values art for insurance scheduling, potential sales, equitable distribution, charitable donation and other tax purposes.

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Inventory Services

For artworks or collectibles of a lesser value, Jennifer Strasbaugh also offers inventory services. This service is useful in documenting collections that may not have a significant value, but are still important to catalogue for insurance protection or estate planning.

Examples could include Waterford figurines, Lenox, pottery, or any type of collection where an owner would benefit from the assurance of professional photographs and inventory documentation, but are not interested in a full appraisal. The inventory and photographs, provided in hard copy and digital format, can then be utilized in variety of ways: stored in a safe deposit box, sent to an insurance agent, or kept off-site with family members.

Inventory services are typically less costly than a full appraisal, but the reports do not culminate in values. They are for documentation purposes only.

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Estate Consulting

If you are faced with the task of emptying a relative’s house, due to estate issues, we can help you to sort and categorize your art and collectibles. Depending upon the size of the art collection, it can be possible to sort the artwork into categories (give away/donate/sell/keep) for a relatively short time commitment. This service does not include a written report, but is more of a hands-on assignment, where the appraiser uses her knowledge to help family members make practical decisions about divesting of art or collectibles. The appraiser cannot, however, help you to physically empty the house or sell the contents.



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